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Are you dealing with aching pain in the wrist, tingling, and numbness in your fingers or trouble gripping due to weakness in your thumb? You might have a nerve disorder known as carpal tunnel syndrome. It happens when the carpal tunnel inside your wrist swells and squeezes your median nerve.

This is a common condition that affects people in all kinds of work, from data entry to meatpacking and it normally develops between the ages of 45 to 64 years. If you are facing these symptoms, you should get a proper diagnosis and start your treatment immediately. Otherwise, your symptoms will only worsen.

For a more severe case of carpal tunnel syndrome, you may need surgery. But if you catch it early,  you may only have to wear a wrist splint.



A wrist splint is a brace that looks like fingerless gloves. This hand garment helps to stabilize and straighten your wrist. Wearing a wrist splint reduces the pressure on the median nerve and restricts you from making movements that make the pain worse. A 2020 study found that using a wrist splint for 6 weeks relieves carpal tunnel symptoms and improves the function of patients’ hands1

You should wear a splint while sleeping to stop your wrist from bending. One reason is that bending of the wrist places more pressure on the median nerve. The splint helps to keep your wrist in a straight, neutral position while you still can sleep comfortably. More importantly, you will wake up the next day without those numbness and throbbing pain on your wrist.

If you do a lot of repetitive activities, consider wearing wrist splints during the day. This is because repetitive actions, such as typing or using a mouse, can make your symptoms worse. However, you are advised not to wear it constantly to avoid losing your hand power. After you take it off, try to move your wrist as you normally would. This will aid keep your muscles loose and strong.



The most common complaints of wrist splints are improper fit, either too tight or too loose. Unfortunately, this defeats a splint’s purpose, which is to provide support for the wrist. Be sure to find the right size for you, and combine this garment with additional treatment options.

Ourwrist splint uses neoprene laminated cotton towel fabric for the inner surface to provide comfort for the wearer. There is also an aluminum splint to help stabilize and straighten your wrist. They are easy to put on so you can consistently wear the splint every night for at least six weeks and feel the difference yourself.

If you’re suffering from symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, know that we are here to help you. Get in touch with us now so we can help you explore your treatment options!

At Southern Crescent, we offer a comprehensive range of orthotic products that will suit your needs. Contact us for a FREE CONSULTATION with the expert today.

Email us at or fill out this form.

Alternatively, you can also contact us directly at 019-919 9334

Looking for more information? Check out our piece on 5 TREATMENTS FOR CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME IN MALAYSIA!



Gatheridge, M. A., Inman, A., Pattillo, M., Mindrup, F., & Sanderson, D. L. (2020). Splinting in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: The Optimal Duration. Military Medicine, 185(11-12), e2049-e2054.